Top 5 Online ‘Pick-me-up’ Purchases

April 2, 2020

With the world seemingly on its head at the moment and many spending more time at home / indoors, we’ve been thinking about ways to pick ourselves up without leaving the house… because nothing beats the thrill of an online delivery arriving!

Here are our top 5 online ‘pick-me-up’ purchases to help lift spirits; helping yourself out and supporting small / local businesses at the same time. Winner winner chicken dinner.


Stock up on Smellies

Being forced inside means being forced to relax (‘Oh no’ said no-one ever…) and nothing beats some good bathtub time to calm the body & mind!

Real World NZ offer beautiful, all-natural small-batch bath salts and foams for the ultimate luxurious soak… oh, and you can stock up on that handwash while you’re at it. Blood Orange and Harekeke is our pick!


To really amp up your anti-stress soak, sourround yourself with some amazing soy candles and calming essential oils from Surmanti NZ; team with a gorgeous handmade burner from JS ceramics (functional AND pretty!), and you’re away laughing.


Get yourself a good book

We’re loving ‘The Happiness Project’ by Gretchen Rubin for a bit of introspection and learning.

The book follows Gretchens year-long experiment on becoming a happier woman with simple daily action and without crazy changes such as quitting jobs, moving to another continent or giving up all material possessions.

You’ll want to grab a highlighter for this one because there’s some really great information nuggets in there!


Treat yourself to flowers!

We love greenery and fresh blooms as a way to instantly brighten up your interiors and make you feel good. No longer constrained to bog-standard ‘gifting’ bouquets, there are some really cool businesses out there offering modern, stylish arrangements to lift your space.

Bloom Social in Auckland offer a gorgeous selection of flowers, available as one-off ‘bloom of the day’ purchase, or on subscription for your regular floral fix.

fresh flower bouquet with pink flowers

Not a fan of flowers? ‘Plant & Pot’ and ‘Exotic Planters’ have got you covered; selling and delivering potted greenery, to fulfil all your plantsman desires. Plants are proven to be mood-enhancers so we think this online purchase is a great shout for the short AND long term.


Me time is Tea time

“In Britain, a cup of tea is the answer to every problem.”

tea meme everything better with tea

We tend to agree.

We’re currently loving a deliciously curated cuppa from local co, Fine & Dandy. Blended in NZ using ethically sourced, sustainable, organic ingredients and packaged with compostable, recyclable and reusable packaging… she’s an all round ‘pick-me-up’ winner

loose leaf new zealand made tea in white box clear glass mug and teapot with frosted handle

Our ol’ faves Citta currently have some beautiful glass serveware in stock / for purchase online– this delicate teapot and mug combo is awesome for fixin’ the perfect brew… and bonus: looks great.

Prefer something a lil’ chunkier? Salad Days is a small NZ business throwing beautiful handmade ceramics… We think these gorgeous made-to-order mugs are perfect for grasping with both hands and snuggling in with.

natural handmade ceramic mug with speckled finish

Nothing beats a good brew when it looks this damn good.


Grocery shop for a bake-off

Being a grocery staple, bread stocks are currently looking pretty low in supermarkets and many have struggled to make their regular purchase. The answer? Make your own!

Baking is considered a soothing, meditative act & you’ll find most of the ingredients all still readily available for online order and delivery to your door.

The process itself gives you something to keep yourself busy for a while & the outcome is delicious and comforting too… freshly baked loaf plus butter? …Dreams!

We’re loving this scrummy seed-loaf recipe from Donna Hay for a tasty, nutritional alternative to the standard white loaf.

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